It All Started with MOO Mini Business Cards


My creative daughter, Luz, showed me little cards with her photos on one side and her information on the other.  It was about the size of a stick of gum.  I asked for more than one photo.  I just loved the things.  The next time I received a mini card was from April Holle who taught me about WordPress at Laid Off Camp.  Guess what?  She is also a friend of Luz.  These talented minds have similar tastes.

Now it my turn.  I want those lovely mini business cards.  I have asked Luz to design them.  She reported that I tweeted her three times about it.  How did that happen?  I am enthusiastic–too enthusiastic.   I don’t have as many photos as she does.  However, I do have lots of photos of Luz and her brother, Paz.  I would like cards to promote the Monday Morning Job Club in Eloy, Arizona.  I might also need some just for me when networking.

I read this article when I opened LinkedIn this morning:

6 Ways Your Business Card Can Still Pack A Big Punch

 By Lydia Dishman 

I went to the MOO website    and there I have been for over an hour.  I am mesmerized by everything MOO.  I looked at jobs.  Who wants to move to London or Rhode Island?  There are jobs at MOO!  The closest I am to MOO is signing up for the affiliate program.   May I recommend MOO to YOU?


 “Richard Moross wants you to know that business cards are alive and well,” writes Lydia Dishman in Fast Company.  “As the CEO of MOO, the company that pioneered those clever mini cards with do-it-yourself design options, Moross says the business of printing may be 500+ years old, but it’s doing quite nicely, thank you very much.”

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